FUX: Landing Page
FUX is a web3 application to gain perspective on how to allocate your attention based on perceived value created, as evaluated by your peers.
I worked with the FUX founding team to develop the landing page.
FUX is a new web3 application and they needed a landing page to attract new users and share what FUX is.
FUX was created to address burn out and overcommitting. In the application, users assign their attention to their different work streams. They then confirm the amount of attention they want to allocate and see where their current attention is allocated.
Provide users with a way to learn about the app before using it. Previously, the FUX MVP would drop users directly into the app flow without providing context.
Users: Web3 developers, designers, copywriters and project managers.
I developed the FUX landing page with 5 other people - 2 developers, 1 designer, 1 copywriter and 1 project manager.
My role involved design. I developed the wireframe and flushed out the first three sections of the web application.
FUX Landing Page
The FUX Landing Page provides users with context on FUX and acts as a gateway to the web3 application.
All pages were designed in Figma.
FUX Mobile Layout
The image on the left showcase the FUX mobile layout.
FUX Wireframe
I designed the wireframe in Figma.
I used the information provided by the FUX founders on the content and features the landing page should showcase.